Hi! My name is Trent, not Benjy. I'm HECKA EXCITED FOR ILO THIS YEAR! The issues were going to tackle are nuanced, interesting, fun, and real. I can't wait to be impressed with what you all come up with.
Now a little about me. *Flex alert* I've been doing MUN for eight years now *Flex alert* and this is my LAST BMUN because I'm a senior. Im studying Molecular and Cell Biology which is basically the study of what makes the live things be living like that and what make them not be living. *Flex* In my spare time I work as an undergrad researcher on dengue virus, if you can tell me something about dengue I can tell you something more obscure about the obscure viral protein I work on and why it makes people be alive not as good *Weird Flex*. I want to be a doctor, so there's that, roast me. I like climbing rocks sometimes, but sometimes I also like not climbing rocks because if you love something you'll let it go and I love rocks. *Life Advice* But if you're climbing them its not a good idea to let go, but if you love them it is. So if you like to rock climb don't fall for the rocks. Rock climbing is a war against gravity. *Life advice over* I hope you enjoyed these train of thought ramblings I had, this is me. If you don't like it you can tell the Secretary General, see if I care. Don't actually do that. Hes very busy. And I don't want to be in trouble.
See you in committee! Sorry for this strange bio.
Oh! *Important Flex that I should have mentioned earlier* I'm the USG Of Outreach and Education for BMUN both this year and the one that came before this one (two years). So I do a lot of work developing high school programs and teaching delegates MUN and doing education things and developing learn.bmun.org. *hopefully cool flex, yeah education is dank* *side note, I'm not trying to be cool by saying dank. I actually talk like that. I grew up in a surf town and started saying it ironically and now can't stop*

pic of me in a tuxedo at my cousins wedding

Post over
Now a little about me. *Flex alert* I've been doing MUN for eight years now *Flex alert* and this is my LAST BMUN because I'm a senior. Im studying Molecular and Cell Biology which is basically the study of what makes the live things be living like that and what make them not be living. *Flex* In my spare time I work as an undergrad researcher on dengue virus, if you can tell me something about dengue I can tell you something more obscure about the obscure viral protein I work on and why it makes people be alive not as good *Weird Flex*. I want to be a doctor, so there's that, roast me. I like climbing rocks sometimes, but sometimes I also like not climbing rocks because if you love something you'll let it go and I love rocks. *Life Advice* But if you're climbing them its not a good idea to let go, but if you love them it is. So if you like to rock climb don't fall for the rocks. Rock climbing is a war against gravity. *Life advice over* I hope you enjoyed these train of thought ramblings I had, this is me. If you don't like it you can tell the Secretary General, see if I care. Don't actually do that. Hes very busy. And I don't want to be in trouble.
See you in committee! Sorry for this strange bio.
Oh! *Important Flex that I should have mentioned earlier* I'm the USG Of Outreach and Education for BMUN both this year and the one that came before this one (two years). So I do a lot of work developing high school programs and teaching delegates MUN and doing education things and developing learn.bmun.org. *hopefully cool flex, yeah education is dank* *side note, I'm not trying to be cool by saying dank. I actually talk like that. I grew up in a surf town and started saying it ironically and now can't stop*
pic of me in a tuxedo at my cousins wedding
Post over
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