
Showing posts from January, 2019

Topic B: Alternative Finance for Small Businesses in Conflict Zones

Alternative finance refers to forms of finance that differ from the traditional system, particularly regulated banks and capital markets. While there are many different forms of alternative finance, when considering issues of conflict zones, I would like to focus on microfinance. Microfinance, according to Google, is another term for "microcredit" which in turn is defined as " the lending of small amounts of money at low interest to new businesses in the developing world". While assuredly it can be used to introduce technology and vice-versa (Topic A), there is the question of whether or not such forms of financial support can be used to help develop small businesses and grow jobs in conflict affected areas of the world (Topic B). The World Bank (see "Helpful Links" below) is a strong believer that "solid financial infrastructure for small-scale lending can help people weather a crisis or, in other words, support their economic resilience." ...

Topic A: Automation in Latin America

Hi all, Hope you're excited for BMUN LXVII!! For the first topic, there are countries and regions that stand out as obvious candidates for development through automation; more wealthy countries. However, I hope that the topic synopsis illustrates that these certainly won't be the only countries affected. One region that will be affected much more than it might appear on the surface is Latin America. One shocking statistic is that a higher proportion of workers in some Latin American countries are actually susceptible to replacement by automation than workers in the United States. Some Latin American countries, like European countries and the United States, have been experiencing stagnant productivity growth and seen populations aging, making them some of the most likely to develop and benefit through automation- if the right systems are in place. I'll leave a link to a great article about this at the bottom of the post. What I really love about this article is that ...

Topic B: How Child Soldiers Add a New Dimension to Labor Rights

In many conflict zones, especially those in third world areas, there is an increased number of child soldiers. Many may not realize the true devastation which child soldiers suffer as a result of their forced participation in conflicts.  As you may know, Sudan has recently suffered a crisis, where the newly formed state of South Sudan was created. Many of the soldiers, however, defending the South Sudanese region were in fact children. A pressing issue lies in the unpredictability of the fate of these former soldiers, especially in what may be any future employment possibilities Veterinarians Without Borders are helping to train former child soldiers in animal health practices, so that they can develop ways to financially support their families.  Along with this group, the Security Council Working Group on Children in Armed Conflict has visited areas of South Sudan and expressed desire to develop rehabilitation programs and employment channels for former child soldiers. ...
Hi! My name is Trent, not Benjy. I'm HECKA EXCITED FOR ILO THIS YEAR! The issues were going to tackle are nuanced, interesting, fun, and real. I can't wait to be impressed with what you all come up with. Now a little about me. *Flex alert* I've been doing MUN for eight years now *Flex alert* and this is my LAST BMUN because I'm a senior. Im studying Molecular and Cell Biology which is basically the study of what makes the live things be living like that and what make them not be living. *Flex* In my spare time I work as an undergrad researcher on dengue virus, if you can tell me something about dengue I can tell you something more obscure about the obscure viral protein I work on and why it makes people be alive not as good *Weird Flex*. I want to be a doctor, so there's that, roast me. I like climbing rocks sometimes, but sometimes I also like not climbing rocks because if you love something you'll let it go and I love rocks. *Life Advice* But if you're cl...

Intro to Vice Chair Madeleine

Hello delegates! My name is Madeleine and I'm a junior at UC Berkeley studying Political Economy with a concentration in urban development and globalization. This my sixth year of doing MUN. If you are going to/went to SCVMUN 2019, I am/was the head chair of the World Bank. As a bay area native, I fondly remember attending BMUN as a delegate in ILO so it's especially awesome to help chair this committee! Additionally, I have some professional experience in the topics at hand as in college I have had the opportunity to work for a think-tank doing research in USA jobs numbers. This past fall, I studied abroad in Spain and the EU. Um. I like painting. I have a pet dog. That's about all there is to me worth knowing, but I look forward to meeting you all and learning about you in committee! Madeleine Valdez (Please remember to wear appropriate business formal attire to committee.)

Intro to Vice Chair Charlie

Hello everyone! My name is Charlie Abbott, and I am one of your vice-chairs in ILO for BMUN!  I am extremely excited to be a part of this amazing committee, and look forward to seeing what great ideas you all come up with.  I am a first-year freshman from Huntington Beach, California, studying Sociology and Global Studies with a focus on Peace and Conflict Resolution!  Outside of school, I love to hike, explore the Bay Area, and continue my hunt for the world's best latte.  Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about conference or our topics!! Charlie Abbott

Introduction to Head Chair Anthony

Hi Everyone, My name's Anthony Mauriello and I'll be your head chair for ILO at BMUN LXVII! I'm currently a sophomore at Cal studying Molecular and Cell Biology with an emphasis in infectious diseases. This is my second BMUN but first as a head chair. I can't express just how excited I am to start committee! I'm originally from the Bay Area and grew up in Mountain View. Outside of BMUN I'm also a member of a molecular and cell biology club on campus and am an undergraduate researcher studying Zika and Dengue virus. But besides academic pursuits, I also enjoy hiking, camping, reading, Netflix, and spending time with my cat. If you have any questions about BMUN prior to conference, feel free to email me at! (Also enjoy this picture of my cat)

Welcome To ILO

Welcome to the International Labour Organization! We're all extremely excited for BMUN 67 and hope that you are as well! Our dais has put in an incredible amount of work to make this committee the best that it can be and we thoroughly hope that you enjoy it! No matter your experience level with MUN or the topics we're discussing, we hope that the committee is engaging and provides all of you with an opportunity to learn about pressing international issues. This year's topics for ILO are Labor Crisis in the Face of Technological Advancement and Labor Rights in Conflict Zones. We hope that you enjoy learning about these multifaceted issues and coming up with unique solutions. Here is the link to our committee's page on Included in this link is the executive summary, the topic synopsis, the position paper guidelines, and a short welcome video. The topic synopsis is VERY important to read through. We spent a lot of time making it and it includes backgroun...